Well, my story is a pedophile's dream. The circumstances
of how all this came about are really not too important, just
that I ended up looking after my two little nieces, aged 5
and 9, for a weeks stay at my ranch house in New Mexico.
Megan, the oldest, was going into fourth grade while her
little sister, Jana was just starting kindergarten.
So, here I was with two beautiful little girls, all to myself,
in an isolated ranch house, 5 miles from the nearest paved
road and 12 from the nearest neighbor. Behind the house,
mountains rose up; the Juniper gave way to Lodge Pole
pines. About 50 yards from the house, I had made a small
lake by damming the run off from the mountain. I had
bought the house and about 10 acres from a local rancher,
as long as I allowed his cattle to graze around the place.
Jana and Megan came off the ATR at the Albuquerque
airport, Megan holding Jana's hand as they made their
way down the steps to the tarmac. A flight attendant
walked with them the 100 feet to the door. Megan ran over
to me and hugged me around the hips, "Hi Uncle Mark!"
(My dick had been firm in anticipation of what was coming;
now it jumped) The flight attendant turned them over to the
gate agent. He checked my ID against some paperwork,
then had me sign. Jana didn't know me, she had been in
diapers the last time I had seen her. (I cherish the memory
of one particular time changing her when she was about 14
months old. It had taken quite a few wipes to clean the
enormous load I had shot across her belly, chest, and face.)
We collected their suitcases at the baggage claim, Megan
insisted on trailing hers behind her as I carried Jana's.
Megan also had a pink back pack. We made our way out to
my truck after a stop at the bathroom and headed south.
The trip down I-25 to Socorro, then west on US-80 to
Magdalena takes four hours. In Socorro we ate at the Big
Boy. Megan asked questions about the big dish antennas at
the VLA Radio Telescope as we drove across the Plains of
St. Augustine while Jana slept and drooled, her head in my
lap and my half stiff dick poking into her cheek. (I thought
about turning her head so that her mouth would be against
my cock, but I didn't want to do anything that might cause
Megan to wonder.) It was dark when we reached my house.
As always, it was very quiet and very dark. Using a flash
light I led the girls onto the porch and unlocked the door.
Inside, I struck a match and lit the kerosene lamps.
"Wow, you use candles!" Megan exclaimed.
"Yes honey, I only have electricity when I start the
generator. At night I use lamps and batteries.
Jana roamed around the room. She stared up at the elk buck
which is mounted over the fireplace. Then she watched one
of the lamps after I had lit it.
"Be careful honey," I said. "If you knock one of those over,
it will burn the house down." I paused. "In fact, I don't
want either of you touching the lamps, you might burn
yourselves. I'll make sure that you have flash lights and
battery lights in your room."
It was quite late, so, after a snack of cereal, I suggested that
the girls get cleaned up and go to bed. I showed Megan the
bathroom and lay towels out for them. "Can you help Jana
with a bath?" I asked.
"Sure Uncle Mark, we have baths together all the time."
"Is that OK with you, Jana?"
Jana seemed to be a very quiet girl. She had short light
blond hair and blue eyes. Megan, on the other hand, never
seemed to stop talking. She had long chestnut hair which
cascaded in curls down to the small of her back. Her eyes
were hazel. While Jana had very fair skin and lots of
freckles, Megan's was a lovely deeper brownish-pink and
very clear. Both of the girls had the broad foreheads,
smallish noses and wide fleshy lips of my sister.
As the two little nymphs headed for the bathroom, I went
into my room and lit off my laptop. In anticipation of the
visit, I had equipped the bathroom with two web cams; one
gave an excellent view of the entire room, looking across to
the tub, while the other was in the ventilation duct over the
tub. There was a third camera in the girl's room. My dick
was straining in my jeans as I waited for Windows to boot
and load the camera software.
When the system came up, I was looking at a split screen
display of the three views. I quickly closed the bedroom
In the bathroom, Jana was sitting on the toilet peeing.
Megan had her back to the camera and was partially
blocking the view of the room. As I watched, Megan pulled
her shirt off over her head. Jana pulled a piece of paper off
the roll and wiped, then climbed down off the toilet. I
sucked in my breath at my first look at her fat little pussy
lips and chubby thighs.
Megan had bent over, obviously pulling her pants down,
then stood back up and walked over to Jana. She said
something (I had no audio but could hear unintelligible
voices through the wall) and Jana stepped aside. Then
Megan turned around and, for an instant, I got a full frontal
view of her slim body, flat chest and belly, slim thighs, and
a long pussy crack with very little rise of her mons.
As she sat down on the toilet and peed, I worked my pants
down over my knees to my ankles. The smooth wooden
chair was a familiar feeling to my ass. I started stroking my
enraged cock.
Megan wiped, then stood up and flushed the toilet. Next
she turned her back to the camera and bent over, turning on
the water. As the noise of the water hissing in the pipes
started, I had an awesome view of her small ass with her
pussy lips peeking out between her thighs.
She stood up and Jana stepped in. Now my eyes were
drawn to the bathtub camera as the little blonde sat down
facing the tap, the water splashed on her knees and calves.
Next, Megan got in and sat down; her longer legs reached
down the tub and around her little sister. She leaned back
and, again, I had a wonderful view of her as she stretched
out. Now I wished I had a zoom lens on the camera.
The two girls relaxed as the water rose around them. After
a couple of minutes Jana reached forward and turned off
the water. Now I could hear their muffled voices. As they
moved around in the water, burping noises were made by
their asses as they slid along the porcelain.
Megan scooted back and made room for Jana to lie down.
The little girl leaned back, her knees sharply bent and her
head nestled between her sister's thighs. Oh God! How I
wished it was my head between those slim nine-year-old
thighs. With her knees up and her legs spread, I had a
wonderful view of the five-year-old's puffy lips. Her clit
ridge stuck up between them as they were pulled widely
As her sister wetted her hair, I thought about the time, years
ago, I had run my cock along that slit while the baby lay on
the changing table and giggled. I was mad with anticipation
of doing it again. Then I realized that I was no more than
three feet from the girls, the bathroom was right on the
other side of the wall! Here were these two beautiful pre-
teen cherubs innocently taking a bath no more than a few
inches from where I was watching them while madly
masturbating. I was overwhelmed and a stream of my
sperm shot over my keyboard and splattered on the screen
of the laptop, covering the girls in the bathtub. A thick rope
of goo lay across the touch pad and keys. My next shots
were not so energetic, landing on the chair and the floor
between my feet.
I laughed quietly as I wiped up the cum, being careful not
to push any down between the keys, as I watched Megan
lather up Jana's hair.
Now the water was full of suds, so the seeing was obscured
by the bubbles, but I still enjoyed watching the children
washing. When Megan lay back to wet and later rinse her
hair, I got a couple of nice looks at her pussy and I
wondered if it was large enough to take my cock. Later, I
would freeze frame the shot and blow it up for a closer look.
The two girls faced each other and I could hear their voices
but could not understand what they were saying. They
played a short game of patty-cake, but then Megan reached
around Jana and opened the drain. The water started
gurgling through the pipes as the children stood up and
stepped out. Again, I had some great views of their pre-
pubescent bodies as they dried off.
Then there was some discussion and I realized that they had
left their night clothes in their room. They wrapped
themselves in the towels and I heard the door open. I
switched to the camera in their room and was again pleased
to get a really nice show as they dropped the towels on the
floor while Megan dug in the suitcases and pulled out two
nightgowns. I was flabbergasted and elated when I realized
that neither of them pulled panties on before leaving the
I pulled up my pants and closed the viewer, leaving the
desktop open with its artsy David Hamilton picture of three
girls, maybe a ten-year-olds, sitting against a sand dune on
the beach. All three of them are nude, one is playing a flute.
Later, the screen saver of many young nudes would come
on. As I left the room, I looked forward to editing the video
and e-mailing it to some of my friends.
When I got out of the room, Jana was in the living room
and Megan had gone back into the bathroom. She was
standing in front of the mirror, brushing out her hair. Jana's
was a mess also.
"Can I comb your hair?" I asked.
The five-year-old turned around from where she was
staring up at the elk again. "Did you shoot him?"
I had bagged that elk on a trip to Montana about three years
ago. It was my first elk hunt and the guide was disgusted
that I had shot him in the middle of a big mud puddle. I had
to go in, sinking to my knees, and drag the beast out. It was
sleeting and cold. The story usually was good for a few
laughs at the bar.
"No, I bought that at a store in Colorado," I lied.
The little girl stood for a moment thinking, then her face
brightened and she walked over to me, "Ok." She went and
sat down on the sofa.
I wasn't sure what she had agreed to, but I went back into
the bathroom and asked Megan for a comb for Jana. She
dug around in a cosmetics bag and came up with a large
purple comb. I went back into the living room and sat down
next to Jana.
"Can we watch TV?"
I hadn't really thought about starting the generator that
"Sure, honey. But I'll have to run outside and start the
I'm sure she didn't understand. I decided that I would
explain later. I got up and went outside to the generator
house. The diesel cranked twice, then chugged to life. After
it had stabilized, I engaged the clutch and the overhead
light came on.
I went back into the house and turned on the satellite
receiver and TV. It took about 30 seconds for the signal to
acquire. I switched to the Cartoon Channel and sat down to
watch Fred and Wilma. (Pebbles was always my favorite, I
also have this fantasy of Wilma and Betty doing a 69 while
Pebbles and Dino....then again, there's got to be a reason
he's named "Bam-Bam") I sat back down next to the child and
started to try to comb out her hair.
"Here, you stand in front of me," I said as I guided her off
the sofa. Just as I had hoped, her night gown slid up and
exposed her hip and some of her ass before falling back
down to just above her knees. I positioned her in front of
me and started pulling the knots out of her corn-silk hair.
She seemed mesmerized by the TV; I don't think she
noticed me working on her. I reached around her to comb
out the front but I had to make her turn around and face me
while I put in the part.
"I think you're a very pretty little girl," I said.
Jana smiled and looked embarrassed. "No I'm nawt," she
said, drawing out the 'not'. At the same time, she folded
her hands in front of her and sort of pushed them into her
"Who told you that?" I asked. "You're a very pretty little
She just giggled. I knew that it was time to change the
conversation before she became too uncomfortable.
"I have some ice cream, do you want some?"
She stopped for a moment, then said, "Please?"
"Megan! Do you want some ice cream?" I called.
The nine-year-old came out into the room, finishing up
brushing out her hair. "Sure."
The girls sat at the kitchen table while I dished up the
Strawberry Cheesecake Ice Cream. I drank a beer while
they ate, then I had them rinse the dishes. It was after 10
(11 their time), so I had them brush their teeth for bed.
They were going to be sharing a double, Megan pulled the
covers down on her side and was careful to keep her gown
down as she sat down and swung her legs into the bed. Jana,
on the other hand, was not as careful and slid down on the
bed, allowing her nightie to slide up over her waist as she
lay her head on the pillow. My heart pounded as I looked at
her uncovered little girl pubes, and my dick swelled. It took
more discipline that you can imagine to pull the covers up
over her and tuck her in. I kissed Jana on the forehead and
squeezed Megan's shoulder before blowing out the lantern
in their room. I told them I would leave the lantern in the
bathroom lit, then left the door open.
When I got back to my room, I reviewed the tape of the
girls in the bath and decided not to edit it. Since the
generator was up, I had my internet link over the satellite,
and I attached the file to a couple of e-mails to friends.
After that, I went out and shut down everything. With the
drone of the generator silenced, I again appreciated the
quiet of the New Mexico mountains.
I put my favorite kiddy porn fuck flick on the DVD on my
lap top and jerked off while thinking of the two wonderful
preteens down the hall. Before I went to bed, I took a
shower. Then, I went into their room, naked, and watched
them sleeping. Jana was on her stomach with her thumb in
her mouth, but Megan was on her back. I gently pulled
down the covers and, as I had expected, her night gown
hand ridden up almost to her chest. I stood next to the bed
and admired her slim body in the low light from the hall.
Again, for the third time that night, I jerked off, this time
standing over the naked eight-year-old, but I couldn't cum.
Later, in bed, I worked furiously before I shot just a couple
of drops of jez into the sheets-I was completely emptied